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Zoe Hasting's Memorial Shirt

Organized by Jenna Marie Cary
Zoe Hasting's Memorial Shirt Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Zoe Hasting's Memorial Shirt Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Zoe Hasting's Memorial Shirt shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton Long Sleeve T-shirt

Please buy a shirt to help support Zoe Hasting's family in this hard time, as well as keep her memory alive.

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Khelsey Gamble for The Hastings Family.
$1,810 raised
162 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton Long Sleeve T-shirt, Unisex - White
Gildan Ultra Cotton Long Sleeve T-shirt
Unisex - White
Organized by Jenna Marie Cary

About this campaign

We created this shirt to help Zoe's parents while they try to get through this very difficult time. We hope that this shirt will help people to never forget Zoe's amazing kind heart, her immense talent, and beautiful soul.

Zoe was on her way to church this past sunday, and when she didn't show her parents reported her missing. On Monday morning, Zoe's body was found along with her car. She was such an amazing girl and was the absolute last person on earth to deserve something like this. Rest in Peace, Sweet Girl.


Haley Hill 1 item
Anonymous 1 item
Anonymous 1 item
Gloria J 2 items
Alexis Waters 1 item
Anonymous 2 items
paramo/others 8 items

I have know this family for at least 25 years or more and its the least I can do for them

Anonymous 2 items

I was only around her for a week but from that shrt time j knew she was one of the most loving people I've ever met.

Anonymous 1 item

Suppprt family and zoe

Sharon Sheldon 3 items


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