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Triplets Ghetto Kids- Look A Part, Be A Part!

Organized by Patrick Kunda Chishala
Triplets Ghetto Kids- Look A Part, Be A Part! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Triplets Ghetto Kids- Look A Part, Be A Part! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Triplets Ghetto Kids- Look A Part, Be A Part! shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

Buy a Triplets Ghetto Kids T shirt now to support our cause of putting orphaned and vulnerable Children back in school.

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Triplets Ghetto Kids for buying school supplies for the 6 un sponsored members.
7 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex - Sports Grey
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
Unisex - Sports Grey
Organized by Patrick Kunda Chishala

About this campaign

At the beginning of this year, we put a message on our official Facebook page seeking the public to help us keep Triplets Ghetto Kids members in school by sponsoring each individual member of the group. We are very happy to say that Patricia, Nyangoma and Ashley have been blessed with 100% sponsorship! However, of the 9 group members, 6 have not been that lucky. As we get close to the end of the first term, and start planning for the coming terms, we are reaching out to you all to support us by buying yourself and your loved ones, our custom t shirts so that as you are supporting us, you are LOOKING A PART, AND BEING A PART!

Triplets Ghetto Kids (TGK) is a group of young entertainers from Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

It comprises orphaned and/or vulnerable children, 3 girls and 6 boys, ranging in age from 5 to 16 years, primarily hailing from the streets of Kampala after running away from their impoverished homes in search of food.

At their young and impressionable age, the kids have resorted to using music dance and drama as a way of staying away from the violence and poverty that they experienced on the streets. Surprisingly, this has developed into a movement which is yielding profound social consequences to many of our followers as evidenced by the many positive messages we get from all over the world.

With the assistance and guidance of their guardian, Kavuma Dauda, (he himself a former street kid, ) TGK raise money from their live performances and when they are hired to dance to music of various artists in music videos. This is further supplemented by donations from individual well wishers. All the money is used to assist in providing them with a safe place to live, food, clothing, medical expenses, and to pay for their education. All the nine (9)Triplets Ghetto Kids members live with Kavuma Dauda together with ten(10) other vulnerable children who he and his wife take care of. This group of kids has proved to be a great inspiration to may people all over the world and have shared the simplicity of happiness through the over 30 You Tube dance videos.


  • 35th Anniversary International Reggae and World Music Awards (IRAWMA 2016) -Most Outstanding Dance Group (Nominees) Triplets Ghetto Kids2017jpg


Anonymous 3 items

TGK inspires a lot of discouraged souls all over the world.

Maurice Williams 1 item
Dwayne Williams 1 item

To help the children of Uganda.

Anonymous 2 items

Because an educated child will be a more productive citizen the in future.


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