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Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed

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The Vybe Lounge Event Fund

Organized by Kierah Thompson
Front large extended
The Vybe Lounge Event Fund Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
The Vybe Lounge Event Fund shirt design - zoomed
Iridescent Gift Tote
  • Sizes One Size

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Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to Kierah Thompson, the organizer for The Vybe Lounge, LLC.
150 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Iridescent Gift Tote, Unisex - Iridescent
Iridescent Gift Tote
Unisex - Iridescent
Organized by Kierah Thompson

About this campaign

We are raising funds to help support our events. We pay our artists, production teams and collaborators to ensure quality arts events!

The Vybe Lounge, LLC is a transformative, pop up, art lounge that is dedicated to artists of color and welcoming to all. We partner with local artists, arts organizations, and venues to produce arts festivals, hybrid events (virtual and limited in-person) and other arts events until we can acquire our own building space. In the future, we hope to be a physical art bar that supports artists to create and showcase their work, as well as socialize and celebrate cultures!Vybe Logo 1 Transparentpng


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