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The Smallest Voice Can Change The World: Benefiting the Team Beans Fund

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The Smallest Voice Can Change The World: Benefiting the Team Beans Fund Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
The Smallest Voice Can Change The World: Benefiting the Team Beans Fund Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
The Smallest Voice Can Change The World: Benefiting the Team Beans Fund shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Midweight 50/50 Crewneck Sweatshirt

Benefiting Dana Farber/Boston Children's brain cancer research

All funds raised will go directly to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Inc.
$6,290 raised
252 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Midweight 50/50 Crewneck Sweatshirt, Unisex - Royal - Crewneck Sweatshirt
Gildan Midweight 50/50 Crewneck Sweatshirt
Unisex - Royal - Crewneck Sweatshirt
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About this campaign

My child passed away from cancer of Dec. 24, 2020. As hard as that day was and as hard as the last year has been without her, the day she was diagnosed will always be the worst day of my life.

Every three minutes a new child is diagnosed with cancer, and their world is shattered. Each name of this shirt is from a family of a child who is a cancer warrior, past or present. This incredible design, from Roni Lagin, used the names of more than 320 cancer warriors to make the yellow childhood cancer awareness ribbon.

All proceeds from this fundraiser will be directly donated to Dana Farber by Custom Ink, to fund clinical trials and studies on childhood brain cancer research.

Please consider donating or supporting our fundraiser.

In memory and honor of every child fighting and was fought cancer.


Maria Joffrion 1 item

My son’s name is on the great design. Thanks to everyone who is supporting this important cause!

Amy Singler Singler 2 items

For my daughter Carys. Glioblastoma fighter for 6 years and 3 times.

Julia Cooper 1 item + $10

My heart breaks for Beans’s family and others like hers.

Daniella Diaz 1 item
Ben Terrett 1 item
Theresa Houck 1 item + $100
Anonymous 1 item
Josh, Allison & Lily 3 items

Supporting #teambeans, honoring the beautiful Francesca and all the other tiny voices and their families in the fight!!! On behalf of Hunter Ballard and the #HunterStrong family

Meaghan Jones 1 item + $10
Anonymous 1 item

In memory of Beans and the other children.


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