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Support Spokane Area Spartan/ Obstacle Racer Alyssa Hawley

Organized by Jon Hawley
Support Spokane Area Spartan/ Obstacle Racer Alyssa Hawley Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Support Spokane Area Spartan/ Obstacle Racer Alyssa Hawley Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Support Spokane Area Spartan/ Obstacle Racer Alyssa Hawley shirt design - zoomed
Support Spokane Area Spartan/ Obstacle Racer Alyssa Hawley shirt design - zoomed
Hanes Tagless T-shirt

Buy a shirt to help Alyssa Hawley, the 11th ranked Spartan/ Obstacle racer in the world from Spokane Valley, WA!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Alyssa Hawley for Travel expenses and expenses used to benefit race area Habitat for Humanity Chapters through in kind giving and construction services..
9 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes Tagless T-shirt, Unisex - Black
Hanes Tagless T-shirt
Unisex - Black
Organized by Jon Hawley

About this campaign

Alyssa is currently ranked 11th in the world in obstacle racing (OCR) and is from Spokane Valley, WA.

OCR is a sportin which a competitor must overcome various physical challenges that are in the form of obstacles on a variety of trails, hills, and mud at a distance of typically 5 to 15 miles. Races are designed to result in mental and physical collapse. Obstacles include, rigs (with a variety of bars and rings to traverse), climbing over walls, carrying heavy objects, traversing bodies of water, crawling under barbed wire, and jumping through fire and whatever else the course designers can dream up to test the athletes toughness. Obstacles are employed throughout the course to test endurance, strength, speed and, dexterity.

In order to finish the season and compete in the Spartan World Championships she needs as much help as possible to cover racing travel costs which are extensive with races ranging from Seattle to Houston to the east coast.

Her faith runs deep and while she is in each race location she works with the local Habitat for Humanity chapters with funds, time, and resources to help others in need.

She currently works in construction and cannot fully support herself in this endeavor which puts her and Spokane in the forefront of the minds of the Obstacle Racing Community.

Alyssa Hawley (right) is a lifetimeSpokanearea resident and a 2008 graduate of University High School, whoplayed collegiate softball at North Idaho College and Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, NY. Sports has always been a lifelong passion and after graduating from Stony Brook University she continued toexercisewhich led her to her first obstacle race, the Spartan Race at Mets Stadium in New York. She placed 1st in the opendivision among women and decided toenterthe elite division for her next race. That race was in Washougal, WA where she placed 13th overall in the womens elite division.What she learned in that racehelped her to understand the demands of obstacle racing and helped her to refine her training.

Alyssa followed up that race with a win and two seconds in her next races in the latter part of 2015. This year she has started with a win (where she narrowly beat Rose Wetzel of America Ninja Warrior fame - center in pic) and a second in 2016’s opening Spartan races this January in Temecula, CA. Her success in Temecula earned her a spot in the Spartan world championships at Lake Tahoe on October 1st.

With a full slate of races planned for 2016 she trains daily in the Spokane area at many of the myriad of great training sites our area has to offer from Giorgio’s Gym, city streets to Tower mountain. She also trains by competing in local races where she has walked away as first overall female. When she is not working or helping the local Habitiat for Humanity she is also involved in mentoring andhas beeninvolvedwith the local ROTC as a mentor to young women.


Anonymous 5 items
Gramz & Bubba 2 items + $10

My grand baby is amazing. So proud of your accomplishments & your faith in God. He will always be there for you.

Grandma BB 1 item + $25

I am so proud of my granddaughter and want to help her get to number one in the world.

Anonymous 1 item


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