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ROAR Club Breaking Barriers Showcase Fundraiser

Organized by Danielle Salinas
ROAR Club Breaking Barriers Showcase Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
ROAR Club Breaking Barriers Showcase Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
ROAR Club Breaking Barriers Showcase Fundraiser shirt design - zoomed
Durable Side Pocket Poly Canvas Tote
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Please help Air Base K - 8's ROAR Club raise money to produce their showcase, Breaking Barriers. Opened to Upper Academy students, students will creatively express their feelings and/or raise awareness about social issues through the performing arts

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Air Base PTA for The Breaking Barriers Showcase and our end of year field trip.
$600 raised
33 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Durable Side Pocket Poly Canvas Tote, Unisex - Black
Durable Side Pocket Poly Canvas Tote
Unisex - Black
Organized by Danielle Salinas

About this campaign

We are raising money to produce the Breaking Barriers Showcase for all of Air Base's Upper Academy. All profits will go to student costumes, stage production tools, and our end of the year field trip.

The ROAR Club is a successful girl empowerment club at Air Base K - 8 Center. As the sponsor, it gives me such immense pleasure and honor to say that my students are more than ready to stand up to the task of producing and executing the Breaking Barriers Showcase. They have learned and taught me that when faced with a challenge, we do not quiver but look straight ahead and smile. We can handle anything with the help of family and friends. They have proven time and time again as resourceful, intelligent, and passionate. I cannot wait to see the amazing things our team will prepare for the Air Base family. In my heart, I know these bright, beautiful, passionate, and dedicated young women will change the world but not before they change our hearts.


Jonathan salinas $200
Amira Salinas 1 item

The club is an inspiration to many girls and it makes a difference in their lives! I would support it any chance I have! Let it grow strong!!

LOM :) 10 items + $100

This is an fabulous club at Air Base!!! The girls are making such a difference.

Gabrielle Salinas 1 item + $5

I wanted to bring support!

Guissella E. Cruz 1 item

My daughter Gaby learned so much from ROAR. My other daughter Gianella joined this year and is also growing and learning a lot. I will always support Danielle’s great efforts to make a difference.

LaKeisha C Cox 4 items
Niki Flamer $25

This organization does amazing work, molding girls into future leaders! I am VERY proud to know this group.

Angella Carvalho 1 item + $50

I know Daniella will make a great impact on empowering young women to beleive in themselves and breaking barriers.

Erica Wilton 1 item

I believe in ROAR club

Danielle Salinas 6 items + $15

The following purchase was made on behalf of Ricky Perez, Mrs. Blackburn, Mrs. Moreno, and Mrs. King! Thank you so much for supporting the ROAR Club!!


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