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Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed

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RJR Summer Fundraiser

Organized by Allicia Giuseppe-Meuse
RJR Summer Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
RJR Summer Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
RJR Summer Fundraiser shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton Muscle Tank

Help Raleigh Junior Rollers pay for practice space, gear and bout production!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Raleigh Junior Rollers for Team practice space, bout production, travel expenses.
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton Muscle Tank, Unisex - Sport Grey
Gildan Ultra Cotton Muscle Tank
Unisex - Sport Grey
Organized by Allicia Giuseppe-Meuse

About this campaign

Your favorite junior roller derby kids or RJR need your help! As a non-profit league, we need to raise money to help pay for practice space, gear, promotional materials and bout production. When purchasing one of these shirts, a generous percentage will go directly to our league. Thanks for your support!

black logopngRJR was founded in the summer of 2013, starting off with only 6 skaters, which has now grown to over 30 skaters, 19 of which are on our All-Star team. We are a co-ed junior roller derby league comprised of skaters ages 6-17. We are a non-profit league and rely on donations/fundraisers to help our team pay for practice space, promotional materials, gear, travel and bout production. We are consistently adding more bouts to our schedule, which means our financial demands are also growing. We can always use help from our supporters, fans, family and friends. Thanks so much for supporting these dedicated athletes!


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