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Rick's Raptor Rescue Spring Tee Fundrasier

Organized by Rick Foley
Rick's Raptor Rescue Spring Tee Fundrasier Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Rick's Raptor Rescue Spring Tee Fundrasier Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Rick's Raptor Rescue Spring Tee Fundrasier shirt design - zoomed
Rick's Raptor Rescue Spring Tee Fundrasier shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

Baby bird season is here! We operate off of donations from incredible people like you who care about the future and well being of our birds of prey. We are hoping to sell at least 50 shirts and with your help we can reach our goal!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to Rick Foley, the organizer for Rick's Raptor Rescue .
$300 raised
34 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex - Mint Green
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
Unisex - Mint Green
Organized by Rick Foley

About this campaign

Rick's Raptor Rescue Spring Tee Fundraiser

We’re an organization dedicated to the rehabilitation of raptors. Although our primary focus is birds of prey, we also provide care for and bring public awareness to issues concerning a variety of Florida’s wildlife.
Our founder Rick Foley has cared for injured wildlife since childhood and has always had deep rooted love for birds of all kind. He is also the primary care provider for all injured birds and is dedicated to raptor rehabilitation.
We are dedicated to providing the best possible medical care. In order to achieve this goal Rick Foley makes an incredible effort to expand his education. He has attended raptor rehabilitation classes and workshops throughout the United States.
There would be no About Us if it wasn’t for all the support from our volunteers, community and amazing individuals like you.
Our rescue is state and federally licensed.

Want to learn more about us? Visits our website located under Contact Us or add us on Facebook at


Marguerite Yarnell 2 items

We need to support our Wild Life. I hope this shirt will inspire others to care about Raptors. They are the future of our Wildlife.

Gail 3 items

I am happy to support Rick Foley's raptor rescue!

Chaz and Riley 2 items

We absolutely love nature and are proud to call Rick our Uncle

Cindy 1 item

Love you!!!

Marty & Pam 1 item + $10

Rick is a great advocate and teacher for the protection of raptors and our environment.

Anonymous 2 items

We love Rick, his family, and Raptors!

ken & Barbara 2 items + $10
Trish A. 2 items + $10

Supporting Rick's efforts to help and rehabilitate raptors and to educate the public on the importance of these majestic animals to our environment.

Terry Arndt 1 item + $10

Keep up the great work!!

Anonymous 3 items

This is a great way to support Ricks Raptor Rescue financially and advertising at the same time.


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