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Republican Woman Alliance

Organized by Maggie Campbell
Republican Woman Alliance Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Republican Woman Alliance Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Republican Woman Alliance shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ladies 100% Cotton T-shirt

Buy a shirt in support of Republican Women seeking political office.

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Republican Women Alliance for the support of Republican Women seeking political office..
150 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ladies 100% Cotton T-shirt, Ladies - White
Gildan Ladies 100% Cotton T-shirt
Ladies - White
Organized by Maggie Campbell

About this campaign

By successfully completing his fundraiser, the RWA will be able to help conservative Women seeking political office to succeed in running a successful campaign.

RWA MISSION STATEMENT: To provide conservative women with a stronger voice as political candidates and politicians in the Republican Party;

To help preserve the conservative platform of the Republican Party;

To provide campaign support to viable campaigns of conservative Republican women;

To encourage conservative women to seek political office in the Republican Party;

To educate and train conservative Republican women about the political process and how to successfully operate a viable political campaign.


kathy tilley $50

Best for the job


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