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Pacific Lamprey needs your HELP!

Organized by Ralph Lampman
Front large extended
Pacific Lamprey needs your HELP! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Pacific Lamprey needs your HELP! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Pacific Lamprey needs your HELP! shirt design - zoomed
Pacific Lamprey needs your HELP! shirt design - zoomed
Hanes 50/50 T-shirt

Pacific Lamprey (called "asum" in Sahaptin language) is a native fish species in the north Pacific rim region & has been around for at least 450 million years. Their population #s have declined severely due to a variety of causes & they need your help!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to Ralph Lampman, the organizer for Lamprey Outreach Tools & Activities.
150 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes 50/50 T-shirt, Unisex - Ash
Hanes 50/50 T-shirt
Unisex - Ash
Organized by Ralph Lampman

About this campaign

The funding raised from this will all go towards the purchase of lamprey outreach material (laminated education material, stuffed lamprey, rubber lamprey, posters, etc.) for various local schools and agencies collaborating on fisheries conservation & lamprey awareness.

There are many types of lamprey education material available, but it just takes some funding to distspawning_pair3jpgSnapshot 25pngribute those items to a wide group of local and regional organizations. I would like to use the t-shirt as a fundraiser to make a small pool of funding for these types of purchases in the Yakima Basin and regionally (wherever lampreys reside). Pacific Lamprey is both ecologically and culturally important for the stream ecosystems as well as many of the Native American tribes and bands of the Pacific Northwest.https:// Their importance include key nutritious food source for various predators (including people), transport of marine-derived nutrients to freshwater systems, nutrient recycling (as larvae), predation buffers for salmon & steelhead, and their roles as a keystone and indicator species and an ecological engineer.


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