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Interested In Fundraising With Custom T-Shirts? Start Your Own Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign

Neurodivergent and proud

Organized by Amanda Paige
Neurodivergent and proud Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Neurodivergent and proud Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Neurodivergent and proud shirt design - zoomed
Hanes Tagless T-shirt

Are you proud to be neurodivergent? Show it with this tee

All funds raised will go directly to Service Dogs By Warren Retrievers Inc
9 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes Tagless T-shirt, Unisex - Deep Royal
Hanes Tagless T-shirt
Unisex - Deep Royal
Organized by Amanda Paige

About this campaign

We are using this Booster campaign to raise money for an autism service dog for The Ham as well as doing our part to shift the autism conversation from fear and "awareness" to acceptance and appropriate accommodations.

We selected the tagless shirt to be as sensory friendly as possible.

A little bit about Service Dogs by Warren Retrievers
With hundreds of lives changed and over decade of dedicated work, SDWR is a leader service dog organization. We believe that through our uniquely trained service dogs, the lives of those with invisible disabilities can be improved. At SDWR, our service dogs include Diabetic Alert Dogs, Autism Service Dogs, Seizure Response Dogs, and PTSD Service Dogs. Each type of service dog is hand raised by SDWR staff and volunteers to mold it into a life-saving tool for each of our families in need. We promote a high level of interaction between the dog, the recipient family and our training staff to create an environment of success. Unlike other service dog programs, SDWR takes the next step in providing a solid base between a service dog and the recipient. Your donation goes to the placement and growth of more life-saving service dogs. SDWR is a fully incorporated 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible Our program gives those with an invisible illness a chance at their own service dog. As a non-profit, we offset the costs of investing in an assistant dog. We believe no one should have to pay for a service dog. Through fundraising opportunities and our donors, we work to make service dogs for the disabled a reality. Service Dogs by Warren Retrievers helps families find local resources to help offset the costs associated with the training of a service dog. All donations go to the placement of service dogs and the needs of our mission.

About their tagline- They also provide dogs for things that can be cured (diabetes, seizures, PTSD) and their autism tagline is different, but still not great- "until all the pieces fit, there is a dog". We've talked to them about it, and hopefully we will have more conversations about the language and issues, but changing branding is like trying to turn a cargo ship- it's slow. Hopefully it's not enough to make you not want a shirt.

The Ham, as my youngest son is known, is autistic (or has autism- he isn't old enough to express a preference yet). Like many parents the first place I turned to after his diagnosis was Autism Speaks because they are the best known autism group. It wasn't too long before things that made my blood boil began popping up. Talk of "curing" autism and treating it like some scary monster to be defeated, and not an integral part of who The Ham is disturbed me. And the lack of autistic voices speaking for about their experiences was also a red flag. Without too much searching I found other people who felt the same (or similarly enough). People advocating for appropriate accommodations for autistic people instead of trying to cram everyone into some rigid box of "normal". Our family is happy to be neurodivergent and spreading autism awareness and fighting for acceptance everyday.

As part of my commitment to raising a strong self advocate I want him to have all the available tools he might need to navigate life, and part of that is realizing that no matter how well intentioned a person can be, interacting with them takes spoons that aren't always available (google spoon theory if that doesn't make sense). On the other hand animals don't require the same internal resources and have other benefits too, mainly (for me as a mom) those wonderful doggie noses that can track run away children. A service dog is literally a constant companion (yay ADA) that has all the benefits you get from a regular pet as well as the specialized training they receive.

One of the reasons we went with Service Dogs by Warren Retrievers is that they tailor the final parts of training to the family the dog is placed with. What's more is that because of their training model, they come to us for delivery and additional training- instead of the other way around. Really, it makes more sense. "Let's take the whole family out of our comfort zone to meet a new member of the family and important support tool while disrupting our routine and trying to absorb a ton of new information around strangers and animals" said no one ever.

So that is (part of) our story. If you want to buy a shirt and support our campaign we would really appreciate it. If you have questions please ask (politely). Thanks!


Anonymous 1 item
Alysia D Condon 1 item
Jennifer Burdick 1 item
Amanda 3 items
Marzelle Thomas-Smith 1 item


Alysia Condon 2 items


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