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We Did It! Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed

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The Mosaic Triploidy Family Conference

Organized by Madison McCall
The Mosaic Triploidy Family Conference Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
The Mosaic Triploidy Family Conference Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
The Mosaic Triploidy Family Conference shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

Help us raise funds to allow families to meet for the very first time!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to Madison McCall, the organizer for Mosaic Triploidy Family Conference .
$820 raised
48 items sold of
500 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
Organized by Madison McCall

About this campaign

Mosaic Triploidy is an extremely rare chromosomal syndrome and the families with this syndrome are scattered around the world. We would like to raise enough funding to allow these families to meet for the very first time!

Shirts will be delivered approximately 2 weeks after the close date.

Mosaic Triploidy is an extremely rare chromosomal syndrome that affects each child differently. Through facebook, multiple families have been able to come together to offer support for one another. Our goal is to raise enough funds to allow these families to meet in person for the very first time. This would be the first time many of these children have had the opportunity to meet someone like them. The amount of information gained and support these families would gain from such an opportunity would be life changing. Please help our cause by purchasing a shirt to spread awareness and raise funds for The Mosaic Triploidy Family Conference. To learn more about the syndrome please visit

Rielynn and usjpg


Grandpa 1 item

My grandson is a mosaic triploidy baby.

Julie & Sadie 2 items

We love Rielynn and Madison and Kyle!!

Big Meadow Creek Alpacas 1 item
becky Griswold 3 items
Tami Bell 1 item
Tyrel, Kym and Alexandra Fredrickson 3 items + $25
Aimee & Eric 2 items
Corey J Warner 3 items

We love our little buddy Rielyn!!!

Lauren and Will 4 items

We would love to see this happen for one of our best friends!

Lila 2 items + $50

I would love nothing more than to see Rielynn make new friends with DTM. What a great opportunity for the families to meet and network! Great job, Madison!


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