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Tidewater Wolves Football and Cheerleading League

Organized by Shanda Dizzy Misse
Tidewater Wolves Football and Cheerleading League Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Tidewater Wolves Football and Cheerleading League Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Tidewater Wolves Football and Cheerleading League shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

The best way to support your child from the sidelines!

$140 raised
22 items sold of
100 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex - Sports Grey
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
Unisex - Sports Grey
Organized by Shanda Dizzy Misse

About this campaign

The Tidewater Wolves Football and Cheerleading League (TWFCL) is a local recreational non-profit youth organization that participates in athletic events sanctioned by the Peninsula Youth Football and Cheerleading Organization (PYFCO). We are committed to developing excellence in individual and team performance through a consistent and comprehensive approach to player and team development; striving to offer a challenging, competitive and educational program emphasizing the importance of community, honesty, integrity and other life lessons/values through sports. We believe that athletic programs provide opportunities for youth to participate in teambuilding, sportsmanship, and citizenship activities, but in order to continue our mission we request your assistance funding various player needs. Our organization strives to prevent traumatic brain and spinal cord injury by providing, recondioning, recertifying protective equipment to our registered players, ensuring safety. To elaborate, in preparation for the previous seasons, we send our helmets to Riddell for recertification, or refurbishment and not all of them were approved. We are looking at either refurbishing or replacing several helmets and other football gear for our teams of over 150 children. Regardless the amount, any donation made by your business will result in your organizations information, being advertised on our website, as well as announced during home game half time. We humbly appreciate any level of support or donation you can make.

A key success factor in this equation is our partnerships with leading companies, communities, and organizations such as yours. Thank you for your commitment to support our organization.

Greetings from Hampton Roads! Our 501 (c) (3) charity organization, the Tidewater Wolves Football and Cheerleading League (TWFCL) is a local recreational non-profit youth organization that participates in athletic events sanctioned by the Peninsula Youth Football and Cheerleading Organization (PYFCO). We are committed to developing excellence in individual and team performance through a consistent and comprehensive approach to player and team development; striving to offer a challenging, competitive and educational program emphasizing the importance of community, honesty, integrity and other life lessons/values through sports. We believe that athletic programs provide opportunities for youth to participate in teambuilding, sportsmanship, and citizenship activities, but in order to continue our mission we request your assistance funding various player needs.

Our organization strives to prevent traumatic brain and spinal cord injury by providing, reconditioning, or recertifying protective equipment to our registered players, ensuring safety. As a charity Tidewater Wolves Board of Directors, coaches, and staff are all volunteers; but game officials, field and player insurance, league administration fees and licensing are not. Even our lighting expenses are quite substantial, exceeding $1,500 per season.

In truthfulness, any donation which could be applied to equipment would be greatly appreciated; however, we are seeking specific assistance in providing Gatorade or a like substance to our players. We typically have four-three gallon coolers and one five gallon cooler at practice, five days a week. We pride ourselves on working with partners so that no single entity is expected to bear the entire cost. We ask only for what you are willing to provide.

As a 501(c) (3) tax exempt organization your donation may be listed as a charitable contribution, pursuant to any state and federal guidelines. Provided is a link to our teams information on Charity Navigator, which contains our EIN ( Regardless the amount, any donation made by your business will result in your organizations information, being advertised on our website, as well as announced during home game half time. We humbly appreciate any level of support or donation you can make.

A key success factor in this equation is our partnerships with leading companies, communities, and organizations such as yours. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and hopefully your commitment to support our organization as a proud sponsor or donor of the Tidewater Wolves 2015 season.

If you or an organization that you know is interested in supporting our program, please contact our President Mr. Alex Wallace at or (757) 810-0798.


Eric and Liezl Dye 3 items
Shanda Dizzy Misse 3 items

Because I support anything my child and husband is involved in!


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