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McCourt Middle School Sweatpants

Organized by Michelle Cappello
McCourt Middle School Sweatpants Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
McCourt Middle School Sweatpants Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
McCourt Middle School Sweatpants shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Lightweight 50/50 Sweatpants

Help Support McCourt AGS Intervention and Enrichment Programs and Show School Spirit!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Jason Masterson for Enrichment materials/programs.
23 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Lightweight 50/50 Sweatpants, Unisex - Royal
Gildan Lightweight 50/50 Sweatpants
Unisex - Royal
Organized by Michelle Cappello

About this campaign

Please help support the AGS programsat Joseph L. McCourt Middle School. The money raised will be put towards enrichment programs that takes place during our Academic Growth and Support period, where all students will benefit in our school. If ordering for someone else, please put the persons name that the sweatpants are being purchased for as the buyer. This will help make it easier for accurately distributing them.

At Joseph L. McCourt Middle School we are currently providing a school-wide intervention as well as enrichment opportunities for students for forty-five minutes four days a week. We are utilizing the Renaissance STAR Reading and Math computer based assessments, which is administered to all students in our school in order to identify students that are in need of a reading or math intervention. Students that demonstrate a need for a reading or math intervention are placed accordingly into groups to receive reading support to attempt to reduce the gap and improve the students’ reading and math skill level to meeting benchmark. We currently have 50% of the student population performing below grade level at Joseph L. McCourt Middle School in the area of reading. These students are performing anywhere from 1 year to 7 years below grade level. During our intervention period, we have 10 comprehension groups with up to 16 students per group in need of comprehension skills instruction. We are currently attempting to raise funding in order to provide all students who are in need of reading intervention support in the area of comprehension with an established, data driven reading program that will enhance their skills and lessen the gaps. Our math AGS program currently is utilizing the Accelerated Math computer generatedprogram. However, we can add to their materials if the math teachers feel that they need more to enhance their programming to meet their students needs with any funding raised. In addition to raising money for reading comprehension materials, we would like to also continuously figure out ways to raise money to enhance our enrichment choices and materials at McCourt Middle School. All students that demonstrate that they are not in need of an intervention are provided an enrichment opportunity of their choice. Imagine if we had extra funds available to help enhance our current enrichment AGS programs or add more exciting choices that would be not only fun, engaging, and exciting, but they would also encourage a lot of learning which is the ultimate goal. We strongly believe that the enrichment students deserve sufficient materials as well as the intervention students. All students will benefit from all funding that we raise to support our AGS programs. Please consider supporting the students at Joseph L. McCourt Middle School by purchasing at short sleeve t-shirt, long sleeve t-shirt, sweatshirt, and/or making a separate donation. Please feel free to share with family and friends as well, as they are also able to purchase a sweatshirt and/or can make a donation to help support our school.


Holly StPierre 1 item
Michelle Cappello 2 items
Dante Solis 1 item
Melissa Paradis 2 items
Michelle Cappello 2 items
Anonymous 1 item
Kaitlynn Doherty 1 item
Lisa Sparks 1 item

Social Worker

Anonymous 1 item
Anonymous 1 item


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