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Kaylen's Medical Compassion DTS

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Kaylen's Medical Compassion DTS Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Kaylen's Medical Compassion DTS shirt design - zoomed
American Apparel Jersey T-shirt

Buy a shirt to help support my ministry!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to, the organizer for fundraising for my time in New Zealand and beyond.
$940 raised
44 items sold of
150 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
American Apparel Jersey T-shirt, Unisex - Navy
American Apparel Jersey T-shirt
Unisex - Navy
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About this campaign

Hey friends and family!!

While obtaining my bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science at Truman State, I have fallen in love with the healthcare field and see it as a great way to reach people through my interests. I am super excited to announce that a medical missions opportunity has opened up for my future. I see such a great need for Jesus’ love to be spread to all parts of the world and feel the call to serve as a medical missionary, as long as it continues to be God’s will. Currently, I have been accepted to serve in a Medical Compassion Discipleship Training School with Youth With A Mission out of Tauranga, New Zealand from October to March! This DTS consists of a 12 week lecture phase with Biblical speakers and classroom time alongside training for basic skills for medical missions. My focus of Medical Compassion will cover a myriad of subjects in order to equip me with general medical skills to participate in clinics. After the lecture phase is a 9 week outreach phase in the developing nations of the South Pacific and Southeast Asia. This will include opportunities to assist people medically through dental, optical, primary healthcare and trauma care. If these skills aren’t needed, then my team and I will be reaching out in compassion to help feed the poor or clean up after a natural disaster, all the while, sharing the love of Jesus with all we encounter. I am extremely blessed to have this opportunity and I want you to be a part of it! First, my greatest need is for your support through prayer. I have been praying for this mission and I would love for you to partner with me praying for my team, the people of the countries we will reach and I. I also ask that you prayerfully consider supporting this ministry financially. My total expenses for this trip are $10,000, which will cover everything including travel, lodging, meals, health insurance, and operational costs of the ministry. You can make checks payable to me, Kaylen Fowler at 217 High Point Ln, Raymore, MO 64083. Please feel free to contact me with questions or even if you just want to know more about this ministry. My email is and my phone number is (816)872-6414. Don’t hesitate to contact me! I am so thankful your support and investment, whether it be through prayer or finances. We have an opportunity to love and care for the people of developing nations in the South Pacific through our partnership. I look forward to seeing how Jesus will be made known.


Grace Fowler 1 item + $5

To have a gal as fantastic as Kaylen as a sister can for sure NOT be summed up into 250 characters. She is strong and independent yet continues to show Christ's love towards anyone she comes across. Supporting her discipleship should be a no-brainer!

Anonymous 1 item

I will be praying for you..

Sandy Detert 1 item + $10

God Is Great and I Love Where Your ❤ Is On This! A Friend Of My Niece(s) Maggie and Laura DeDecker of Truman State also, Is A Friend Of Mine! Best Wishes Kaylen!!

Madison Allen 1 item

You have been so warm and spunky to me, and I am so blessed to have gotten to be in close proximity to you in college. Thanks for your intrinsic determination to bring a lil bit more sunshine to New Zealand, I will be remembering you in prayer!

Hannah Payton 1 item

I'd support Kaylen to the ends of this Earth! Good luck you beautiful soul.

Jadon 1 item + $10

I've never bought a mission shirt before, but this was a no brainer.

Jack Moore 1 item

How could I not support you and your mission?

Anonymous 1 item

b/c Kaylen Fowler is an amazing beautiful human & I want to support her.

Kaitlin Roberts 1 item
Haily McClanahan 1 item

I know Kaylen will do wonderful things with the Holy Spirit that is in her heart and I want to support her missions in any way that I can!


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