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Justice For Mikayla Jones

Organized by
Front large extended
Justice For Mikayla Jones Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Justice For Mikayla Jones Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Justice For Mikayla Jones shirt design - zoomed
Justice For Mikayla Jones shirt design - zoomed
Hanes Authentic T-shirt

Every shirt sold proceeds will go to putting this beautiful girl to rest

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to, the organizer for JusticeForMikayla.
$2,810 raised
123 items sold of
150 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes Authentic T-shirt, Unisex - White
Hanes Authentic T-shirt
Unisex - White
Organized by

About this campaign

Mikayla had her life stolen from her and she was only 18 years old please assist us in putting her to rest peacefully and giving her the beautiful day she deserves. She did not OD she wasnt even in good enough condition to get a toxicology. The police lie and try to cover things up but we will not be quite we will get juice for u baby girl. those 3 people set you up and killed you then duped your body and lied to every one and the police protect these people and give them minor charges like leaving a corpse and tampering they murdered you and we can prove it!

She was stolen from her family and we are surround and being consumed by immense & intense emotion. We are devastated and are searching for any peace we can obtain and with funeral expenses being so high and we already have exhausted most of our funds in the search for her and her belongings. Her life was stolen from her and the two men and one woman that were responsible are getting away with little to no repercussions and we will not let that happen we want justice for our baby girl . #JusticeForMikayla


Chastity Draper 1 item
Misty Hildebrand 2 items

I you precious girl......

Remmie Eddings 1 item
Kyra Eddings 1 item
Anonymous 1 item
Heather Cameron 1 item

Mikayla was a bright light in a dark world. Aunt Heather will love you forever.

Roland Knight 1 item

We absolutely need justice for Mikayla. No questions ask.

chelsea charboneau 1 item
TracyMoses 1 item
Amber Thurman 1 item


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