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#JusticeForBHow ( Justice for Brian Christopher Howard )

Organized by Nicole Howard
Po54374538 front2
#JusticeForBHow ( Justice for Brian Christopher Howard ) Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
#JusticeForBHow ( Justice for Brian Christopher Howard ) Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
#JusticeForBHow ( Justice for Brian Christopher Howard ) shirt design - zoomed
#JusticeForBHow ( Justice for Brian Christopher Howard ) shirt design - zoomed
Hanes Authentic T-shirt

Buffalo Grove Police in Illinois took the life of Brian Howard in his darkest hour, when he was asking for help, ANYONE who took the time to listened to that audio, could easily tell he was reaching for help but didn't know how to NO MORE COP KILLILINGS

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to Nicole Howard, the organizer for Brian Howard and the teaching of how NOT to murder every person that is an "inconvenience" to them..
24 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes Authentic T-shirt, Unisex - Deep Red
Hanes Authentic T-shirt
Unisex - Deep Red
Organized by Nicole Howard

About this campaign
We hope that one day police will stop using their guns as their NUMBER ONE solution especially when they have SO many other options and they are already in enough gear to protect themselves enough to give them time to asses the situation... while those officers are waiting for the trained person or officer to come they can try to reason with the person having a mental health problem, while clearing the area so that when the negotiator shows up they can get right into what they are there for. I believe they shouldn't even pull their guns out in a mental health crisis because they have so many MORE OPTIONS, and they NEED to have classes for police so they can be certified to handle THESE exact situations or at least recognize them so while waiting and before deciding to kill someone, they should be asking stuff to calm them down, "how would your family feel about this?" "are you okay?" "do you want to talk to someone or maybe one of your family members?"..."HOW AND/OR WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP YOU?"...
.... they have SO MANY other resources they could use... yet within a few minute, not even a minute, they gunned down my brother. The link for his GoFundMe is still up to help with the rest of the costs and still we are trying to get a law passed or get something going in Brian's name to make sure this stuff stops happening. This is happening EVERYDAY, you can look up the stats on how many mental health issues turn into police murdering someone who just needed help but didn't know how to ask or didn't even realize that's what they did need... in Brian's name we want to help officers learn to be smarter with their decisions. There is no reason to bring a gun to a mental health call. We do understand there are mass shootings but my brother was ONE person, and on purpose clearly picked a field to make sure no one would get hurt.... that tells you he was thinking about others while he was having his own mental break down, he is an amazing and loved person who did not deserve this, and this is an example of cops using their power for evil instead of using their power to protect and serve, these cops in BUFFALO GROVE ILLINOIS are a stain to the uniform.

Buffalo Grove Police shot and killed Brian Howard on December 2nd 2021, for having a mental breakdown. They did NOTHING to try to ask if they could help him, infact when it came over the radio that they identified him as BRIAN HOWARD, It sounds to me like they knew who he was and they knew what they were doing, this was not "self defence", this was not a "good job" this was not a "oopsie..." this was "see the target OPEN FIRE"... when they could have backed up to wait for more EXPERIENCED people to arrive on the scene... and why did they have THREE so multiple... people there yelling commands, all different commands at once? allllllllll different.... "hands up" "hands down!" "throw your weapons"... bla bla bla... I'll leave you with this.... his hands were up... yes he shot the gun in the air, but so did the police ... The police officer actually shot MULTIPLE times in the air... this was right before, the cops (who's names will come out soon), one took his hand gun the other picked up a riffle and proceed to open fire on my BROTHER while his hands were in the air, there was no negotiation no "are you ok", nothing but flying bullets..... and the other, the one with his rifle shot my brother in the chest an area where cops KNOW they will not be able to save the victim... and shot my brother IN THE CHEST TWICE! A kill shot, not a de-escalating shot, a kill shot.... and they knew it... then one of them called Brian a "son of a bitch".... my brother wasn't worth 7.8 seconds of their time... Guns should be the VERY LAST resort and police should be trained in non lethal means above all else, and if they are not they should be trained to wait for an officer that is.

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Scottie Schickel 1 item
Kristine Howard 7 items
Jessica Bernat 1 item
Jacob Kerman 2 items

Donate these shirts to people who can 100% make it to court dates with you and support

Patrick Jung 1 item
Zack Bartelt 1 item

An old friend was taken too soon, and it sucks.

Anonymous 1 item
Kim Zinman 1 item
Amy Messina-Schultheis 1 item

Love and miss you, goofball. The world is different without you in it. Rest.

Paige Downing 1 item


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