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We Did It! Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed

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Interested In Fundraising With Custom T-Shirts? Start Your Own Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign

Little Boy's 2017 Summer Fundraiser

Organized by Stephanie Shultes
Little Boy's 2017 Summer Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Little Boy's 2017 Summer Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Little Boy's 2017 Summer Fundraiser shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

Buy a shirt and support Iroquois artists!

All funds raised will go directly to Iroquois Indian Museum
$280 raised
26 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex - Natural
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
Unisex - Natural
Organized by Stephanie Shultes

About this campaign

Our CFO (Chief Feline Officer) Little Boy is selling fun vintage inspired t-shirts emblazoned with his portrait! The money he raises through selling these shirts will directly benefit creative Iroquois individuals by enabling the Iroquois Indian Museum to bring artists to the Museum for workshops and art shows, and make purchases for the permanent collection.

Little Boy's goal is to sell 100 t-shirts by July 1st!

The Iroquois Indian Museum is an educational institution dedicated to fostering understanding of Iroquois culture using Iroquois art as a window to that culture. The Museum is a venue for promoting Iroquois art and artists, and a meeting place for all peoples to celebrate Iroquois culture and diversity. As an anthropological institution, it is informed by research on archaeology, history, and the common creative spirit of modern artists and craftspeople.

Visit our website for more information:



Cristina 1 item

Love what you do! And love to Little Boy:)

Kenneth Krastins 1 item
Phil Burnett 1 item
Jess Anderson 1 item

I hope to visit the museum one day!

Bonnie Lawrence 1 item

Excellent cause not to mention a really cute cat

patricia mcgurl 1 item + $25
Anonymous 1 item + $5
Cady Shaw 1 item
Vincent Schilling 1 item + $10

I am Akwesasne Mohawk and a proud member of the Iroquois Confederacy. Great work!

CHRISTINA HANKS 2 items + $10

By wearing the T-shirt I can publicize the Museum. More people need to know about this gem!


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