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Have a Heart for Huskies!

Organized by Pope Memorial Humane Society-Cocheco Valley
Have a Heart for Huskies! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Have a Heart for Huskies! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Have a Heart for Huskies! shirt design - zoomed
Have a Heart for Huskies! shirt design - zoomed
Hanes Authentic Long Sleeve T-shirt

Buy a shirt today & help support the animals of PMHS-CV today!

All funds raised will go directly to Pope Memorial Humane Society - Cocheco Valley
$2,010 raised
84 items sold of
100 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes Authentic Long Sleeve T-shirt, Unisex - Charcoal Heather
Hanes Authentic Long Sleeve T-shirt
Unisex - Charcoal Heather
Organized by Pope Memorial Humane Society-Cocheco Valley

About this campaign

Pope Memorial Humane Society-Cocheco Valley recently took in not 1..not 2...not 3...but 4 huskies! One of which was pregnant, and just gave birth to 6 adorable pups! This puts us at a grand total of 10 huskies at the shelter right now!

These poor pups were in a very bad situation and we, along with other shelters from around the state, sprang into action to help them. These brave animals were living in terrible conditions and unfortunately have a long road ahead before they're healthy enough for adoption. That's where our amazing community comes in!

We're selling shirts to cover the extensive medical care and behavioral needs these dogs will need while at our shelter. These unfortunately are not uncommon needs of dogs coming from hoarding cases. We worked with several other NH organizations to remove a large number of dogs from one property. The dogs we received are adults in need of veterinary care and training to build confidence and basic skills; they are extremely timid and don’t yet know how to walk on leash. They have been warming up to staff and volunteers nicely and making great progress in the short time they’ve been with us!

Help us support these sweet pups and their road to recovery and a happy ending!

or make a direct donation to the huskies here!

Make a direct donation to the shelter here!

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Anonymous 1 item
Melissa Dunn 1 item + $20

I am a husky savvy person, I've had huskies all my life, I really appreciate what you are doing for the current ones you have! Huskies are not for everyone and I hope they all find good homes!

Hillary Mordecai 1 item

We have a husky, Sasha! They are amazing dogs and worth the work!! The love you receive back is even greater than you give!! I hope the best for these 10 huskies!!

Julie Van Sickle 2 items + $10
Carla McLendon 1 item

Every dog deserves love !

John Bly 2 items + $25

i have 2 huskies of my own absolutely love them...

Maria Costello 1 item + $10

Huskies are my favorite breed. All but 1 of my 7 huskies to date have been rescues.

Rebecca Miles 1 item

I have a soft spot in my heart for huskies

Kimberly Schumacher 1 item

My husband and I adopted a husky mix from Tennessee about 8 years ago and since then, I've had such a soft place in my heart for huskies. No dog deserves to come from a bad situation due to humans.

Larissa Petersen 1 item


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