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Gracie Peters Adoption Fundraiser

Organized by Erica Locke
Gracie Peters Adoption Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Gracie Peters Adoption Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Gracie Peters Adoption Fundraiser shirt design - zoomed
Next Level Jersey T-shirt

Support the Peters Family and Bring Gracie Home from Haiti!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Jon Peters for Gracie's Adoption.
$1,660 raised
71 items sold of
500 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Next Level Jersey T-shirt, Unisex
Next Level Jersey T-shirt
Organized by Erica Locke

About this campaign

Due to some unforeseen issues with Gracie's original orphanage and agency, they lost all of their previous funding for her adoption. By the Grace of God they were allowed to keep their match! Please help by purchasing this great t-shirt for $22. Our ultimate goal is $18,000.

Meet Miss GracieGracie PetersjpgBonjour!!
The Peters family is from Brandon, South Dakota. Jon and Anne are both elementary school teachers, and Isaiah and Mikah are super excited big brothers! In 2013, the Peters family decided it was time to grow. They knew that Haiti was calling their name and began the journey towards adoption. They were matched with a beautiful little girl in May 2013. Gracie is two years old and has an amazing laugh and loves to cuddle. She quickly stole everyone's hearts and has become the love of her two older brothers lives! They cannot wait to bring her home.
Unfortunately, due to some issues with Gracie's original orphanage and agency they lost all of our previous funding for her adoption. They have had to start over from scratch but with the grace of God they were allowed to keep our match with her. They are currently waiting for paperwork to get cleaned up so they can move into the exciting stages of bringing Gracie home! A 2014 homecoming would be a magical experience but if God has taught them anything on this adventure it is that He is in control and they are just along for the ride.
The family motto has very easily become the quote of a great friend, "God's Got It"!! Please help by purchasing this great t-shirt for $22. All funds go directly to Gracie's Adoption.


Angela Larson 1 item

We all want Gracie to be home with her family!

Julie Forbes 1 item + $25
Linda L Larson 2 items

WE Want Gracie To Come Home To Be With Her Family.

Patty (larson) Tepley 1 item
Heidi McNamara 1 item
Jessica Schaap 4 items + $250

We are supporting this campaign to bring Gracie Peters home to the family where she belongs.

Marc and Deb 2 items
Robert Williams family 4 items

My bro!!'

Kendra Rechtenbaugh 1 item + $8

Hope you can bring her home soon!

Andy Schumacher 1 item

Love you guys!


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