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Evolution human shirt

Organized by Temerchan
Evolution human shirt Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Evolution human shirt Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Evolution human shirt shirt design - zoomed
Hanes Authentic T-shirt

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Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to Temerchan, the organizer for Temerchan.
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes Authentic T-shirt, Unisex - White
Hanes Authentic T-shirt
Unisex - White
Organized by Temerchan

About this campaign

Trump‘s entire family sat in the front row at the ‘debate’ and all refused to wear masks after being asked to and being provided them. Arrogant bunch. wouldn’t put it past them if they all had it and purposefully didn’t wear masks did you notice how Jill and Joe embraced after the debate and all melanoma and the mango Mussolini did was barely touch hands.I know she doesn’t like her “husband“ but I also wonder if she knew something then.Jesus that man is ORANGE They both at each other’s faces so it’s not a surprise if he got it also and everyone on set. David Joseph, you believe Biden infected him? Biden who saw him ONCE ten feet away but not his own staff he sees daily who tested positive after all his Rallies with THOUSANDS of non-maskers? Someone would have left the virus in there. Maybe the one who set up the microphone and said “ hello mic test, hello COVID, are you there?

Buy it here: Evolution human shirt
HomePage: 2020 Temerchan Cool Shirt


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