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Support Bishop Dunne Catholic School Football

Organized by the Falcon Elite
Support Bishop Dunne Catholic School Football Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Support Bishop Dunne Catholic School Football Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Support Bishop Dunne Catholic School Football shirt design - zoomed
Hanes EcoSmart 50/50 Crewneck T-shirt

Help support the Falcon Football Team. Buy a "White Out" T-Shirt for Game Day 9/23/22

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Bishop Dunne Catholic School for Equipment and Travel Costs.
$590 raised
71 items sold of
150 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes EcoSmart 50/50 Crewneck T-shirt, Unisex - White
Hanes EcoSmart 50/50 Crewneck T-shirt
Unisex - White
Organized by the Falcon Elite

About this campaign

The "White Out" game day fundraiser will provide funding to assist with the increasing equipment and travel costs for the players, throughout the upcoming season and into the playoffs. Let's unite in the stands as we cheer on our team, while wearing "ALL WHITE" on game day, 9/23/22. Thank you in advance, your support is vital to the continued success of our program.


Anonymous 2 items
Lincoln Spears 2 items + $100
Victoria Rone 1 item
Michele Morgan 3 items + $25
Angeles 1 item
Rafael Garza 4 items
noah pizana 1 item
Chrystal Carlisle 2 items
Scarlett Schwegmann 1 item
Ashley Shultz 3 items


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