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We Did It! Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed

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The Auburn Avenue Research Company

Organized by The Auburn Avenue Research Co.
The Auburn Avenue Research Company Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
The Auburn Avenue Research Company shirt design - zoomed
Next Level Jersey T-shirt

Help Fund Our Research!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to The Auburn Avenue Research Co., the organizer for Raspberry Pi Set-ups, a MakerBot 3D Printer, Hackathon expenses, etc...
$240 raised
28 items sold of
500 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Next Level Jersey T-shirt, Unisex - Warm Grey
Next Level Jersey T-shirt
Unisex - Warm Grey
Organized by The Auburn Avenue Research Co.

About this campaign

The Auburn Avenue Research Company's mission is to create a thriving technology sub-community, that exists to innovate, educate, and empower businesses in under-served markets and built by people from under-represented demographics in technology and engineering. 

The company will serve an educational and economic platform to launch technology based enterprises created and operated by people from demographics that are currently underrepresented in the tech industry.

We will do this by: 

Providing internships and classes for people to learn computer science, programming, and engineering beginning at the high school level.

Creating a portfolio of businesses through research and investment within the fields of expertise of the company.

Promoting and hosting events for people interested in technology  [i.e. “hackthons” that solve a community problem, guest teachers/speakers, etc. ]. 

Engaging in software and engineering consultation – we will contract with businesses to help improve business technology, within the areas of our expertise.

Winning hackathons – we will build and sponsor teams to compete in programming challenges, this will provide additional funding and business contracts for the firm. 


Nick T. 1 item + $10
Omarrah Reid-Christie 5 items

*Give aways! :-)

Jennifer and John Clark 1 item

for years this has been in the works and finally has emerged as a means to find amazing solutions for our tomorrow

Khalik 1 item

This is something that is vitally needed in our community.

Anonymous 1 item
Anonymous 4 items

Great things can come from small beginnings and this has the potential to be just that

Mavoy Bertram 1 item

I believe in the vision. With the right support the job creation potential will be impactful!

Tammy Brown 2 items

If we had more people doing more things like this, we would not have situations like what is happening in Baltimore right now.

Maggie Perkins 1 item

*family member :)

Omarrah Reid-Christie 1 item

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


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