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Protective Masks to Alter a Community Cat! (Option 2)

Organized by Protective Masks to Alter Community Cats
Protective Masks to Alter a Community Cat! (Option 2) Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Protective Masks to Alter a Community Cat! (Option 2) shirt design - zoomed
Customized Triple-ply Cotton Face Mask
  • Sizes One Size

Buy a mask to help us continue to help alter community cats in Montgomery County, MD.

All funds raised will go directly to Montgomery County Community Cat Coalition Inc
$110 raised
22 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Customized Triple-ply Cotton Face Mask, Unisex - White
Customized Triple-ply Cotton Face Mask
Unisex - White
Organized by Protective Masks to Alter Community Cats

About this campaign

We are in need of additional funds to continue to alter community cats in Montgomery County, MD. Please buy a mask to support this cause. For the first 10 masks purchased, an additional 10 will be purchased by a donor to give to our volunteers.


Sabrina Haines 1 item + $10

Thank you for all the hard work you do for the community cats. TNR is LOVE!

Stephanie M Nixon 10 items
Deborah Kramer 2 items + $10

MCC3 does fantastic work saving and bettering community cats’ lives!

Carrie Kendrick 1 item

I support my colony+ others!

Elisa Salas 2 items

Because if you love kittens, you don't want them to go hungry, sick, cold, or eaten by a predator. The ONLY way to protect kittens is to control how many are born. TNR, so that no kitten has to suffer!

Linda M Cahill 1 item
Anonymous 2 items
Jan Armstrong 1 item
Stephanie M Nixon 2 items


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